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Sociologie dites vous ?

Quand j'ai eu mon bac, je ne savais pas ce que je voulais faire ! mais bon il faut dire qu'en Tunisie le choix est quasiment connu d'avance, la moyenne au bac determine la fac a laquelle tu iras et donc inutile de trop rever. Les meilleurs font prepas/medecine /HEC /Droit et autres... alors que le reste ( qui n'a pas les moyens de partir a l'etranger) essaye de se placer qlq part ou il essaye de passer ses 4 années de maitrise en un minimum de temps.
Ce systeme me semblait tout a fait normal ! ya des voies royales et des voies "moins royales".
Imaginez dès lors ma surprise quand debarquant au Liban, un pays assez proche economiquement de la Tunisie, je trouve des etudiants a mon université qui payent dans les 10.000$/an pour faire ... sociologie, anthropologie et autres sciences humaines.
j'ai du prendre une pause et respirer un grand coup pour permettre a mon esprit "djerbien" de comprendre la chose...
En ayant la possibilité a mon université d'assister a leurs cours et a leurs conferences. Je me suis vraiment rendu compte de mon ignorance. En regardant le contenu des cours, les methodes d'enseignements et le devenir de ces etudiants une fois ils quittent leurs fac. Tu ne peux pas t'empecher de te poser des questions et de dire qu'a la fin le systeme d'education en Tunisie n'est pas tres efficace. Plus particulierement l'enseignement des sciences sociales dans sa forme actuelle n'offre pas un contenu a la page. Les conditions d'etudes ne sont pas propices a l'excellence et surtout la société qui ne donne aucune valeur a de telles formations rends l'image des diplomés et leur selfesteem plus que deplorable.
Ceci est grave! car a mon avis avec toutes les mutations que connait notre société le besoin d'excellent sociologues et chercheurs est vraiment evident. A ma connaissance, aucune publication sociologique n'existe en Tunisie. Les memoires et travaux de recherches des etudiants sont d'une qualité "limite" et croulent sous la poussiere de bibliotheques non informatisés.
La sociologie, la philosophie, l'histoire meritent un meilleur sort, la recherche dans ces sciences est vitale pour notre nation et les pouvoirs publics se doivent de penser a son financement.
Pour finir, en Tunisie ou l'année 2006 a été proclamé l'année Ibn Khaldoun, On peut remarquer que, malheureusement, cet homme illustre que nous autres tunisiens voient en tant que pere de la sociologie, n'aura apparement pas contribué a creer des vocations et a donner naissance a des adeptes de sa science dans son pays natal. Esperons que cette année servira au moins a un reveil des consciences.


Anonyme a dit…
Excellentes réflections!

je vais élaborer mon point de vue sur mon blog prochainement. C'est un sujet auquel je suis particulièrement sensible de par ma formation.
Youyou a dit…
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Youyou a dit…
Très bon post mon Zizou préféré :) Mais il faut aussi faire attention à ne pas tomber dans l'excès inverse. Si on prend l'exemple de la France, tous les ans des milliers d'étudiants en Socio/Histoire de l'art ou psycho sont formés pour au final aucun débouché. Il est vrai qu'allouer plus de crédit à la recherche permettrait à un certains nombre d'entre eux de poursuivre dans cette voie, mais la grande majorité d'entre eux choisissent ces filières par dépit et se retrouvent au final avec une formation qui ne leur ait d'aucune aide afin de rentrer sur le marche du travail.
Anonyme a dit…
J' ai rencontré récemment Ahmed Moatassime professeur à la sorbonne et marocain . Il a participé au mois de mars à un colloque organisé par Beit El hikma sur Ibn Khaldoun . je lui ai donné l'adresse de ton blog .Peut-être nous éclairera-t -il sur l'esprit de ce colloque...Je suis d'accord avec toi il ya tout lieu de s'inquiéter des lacunes que nous avons dans notre enseignement et surtout de cette tendance à laisser pourrir les choses . Avec tous les moyens qu'on met dans l'enseignement on est en droit d'obtenir/d'exiger plus, beaucoup plus. Ne serait-ce qu'au niveau des langues . on devrait et on pourrait sans injecter plus d'argent devenir d'excellents plurilingues,(arabe,français anglais,italien ) . Avec plus de 2000 heures consacrées à l'enseignement (cycle obligatoire + secondaire) du français et davantage encore pour l'arabe pour ne parler que de ces deux langues,il ya de quoi faire !
ORchea a dit…
totalement d'accord. C'est dans notre culture, le système forme instinctivement les étudiants à être avocats ou médecins, paske c'est "bien vu" et que ça paye bien!
C'est tout un système qui est à refaire! c'est presk déprimant de penser à toutes les remises en causes sociales que nous devrons traverser pour dépasser ces préjugés et cette mentalité!
ORchea a dit…
(heu tarek on dit reflexions pas reflections, c l'anglais qui te rattrape mon vieux! :-) )
Anonyme a dit…
Orchea (Pivot), je m'en suis rendu compte après coup, mais je n'aurais jamais cru que tu me suivrais jusqu'ici alors je n'ai pas pris la peine de rectifier le tir :))

Mon français est en voie de disparaitre c'est une évidence, et je n'y peux rien! Mais entre nous, du moment que je parle encore anglais, je ne m'inquiète pas vraiment..
Youyou a dit…
Tarek mon bon ami, de par ton séjour chez la perfide albion serais-tu devenu francophobe? ;)
Just nagging of course! :)

ciao tutti
Anonyme a dit…
Youyou my good friend: je dirais plutôt que je suis devenu anglophile. Je suis sûr que tu saisis la nuance ;))
Youyou a dit…
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOl Parfait alors tarek :)
Anonyme a dit…
Salut, j'aime bien ton blog, je viens le lire de temps en temps.

A bientôt peut-être sur le mien :
Anonyme a dit…
by the way,
j'ai Al Mukkadima de Ibn Khaldoun en version pdf for free je l'envoie à qui le veut.
just drop me an email
anisbh [at] yahoo [dot] com
Anonyme a dit…
oui Mais Zizou ici on ne paie pas plus que 30 dinars... par ailleurs, vu que tu ne frequentes pas les facs tunisiennes, tu ne connais pas le sort de la sociologie en tunisie...
Ceci etant moi aussi je l'ignore!
Anonyme a dit…
chere Emma !
ce n'est pas vrai qu'on paye 30 dinars seulement ! le probleme c'est que le cout reel des etudues en Tunisie equivaut a beaucoup plus .. sauf que comme c'est l'etat qui paye tout et que nous autres tunisiens on s'enfout ! alors rien ne changera!!
Anonyme a dit…
Je crois que t'as raison. Je n'ai pas fait mes études en Tunisie mais je connais plusieurs personnes qui ont fait les sciences humaines et qui maintenant ne font pas de job (s'ils en ont un) à la hauteur de leur instruction. Mais faut pas se voiler la face, en Europe il n'y a pas beaucoup de débouchés pour ces filières non plus. Je sais de quoi je parle je fais sciences politiques.
Anonyme a dit…
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
Anonyme a dit…
Best regards from NY! » » »
Alex Warn a dit…
This method of weight loss will come back to bite you in the butt. Not only is it extremely unhealthy to restrict calories to the point some women do, it also slows down out metabolism. Just Keto
Richal a dit…
It is not only the medical community pliggly that is concentrating on the body health and issues. Several other branches have come up and are being practiced as a part of holistic health clinics.
Richal a dit…
Second, the links you'll use on your Brasilem5 guest posting are called Editorial/Contextual links. They're surrounded by relevant text.
Richal a dit…
Third, it is important to make sure that Keto Mode you have a good support system and work with someone with a great deal of expertise in fitness and nutrition.
Richal a dit…
In Tennessee the Health Information keto charge Exchange has been slower to progress than places like Maine and Indiana based in part on the diversity of our state.
Richal a dit…
Dieting is not really something that's easy 5g Male Plus for teenage boys to get into. Even if they are made to understand its peer pressure to conform to the norm, and dieting among boys is not a norm.
Richal a dit…
A good weight loss program that helps train you Green Vibe Keto for sustainable weight loss, you might not reach your comfortable and healthy weight.
Richal a dit…
For many like me, sat at the computer all day Slim X Genie Keto is what we do nowadays to earn our living. A hundred years ago, our ancestors mostly worked in manual jobs and often would walk considerable.
Richal a dit…
This gravy is made of denatured flour, milk, Super Cut Keto water, grease, butter, salt vinegar, pepper, stirred, and cooked into a splendid paste that can be used for other things to hang items.
Illeana Menon a dit…
With the summer months behind us, winter comes with a new feel entirely. Say goodbye to your bright summer shades and welcome the glow that winter brings. Lip Liner Tips
Alex a dit…
Water is never enough unless you are already drinking, Ultra Fast Keto Boost say 20 glasses everyday without eating anything. Always carry a tumbler of water with you and drink it when you will hungry as well as thirsty. Most of the time we tend to eat just because a drink might come with food as a set.
Alex a dit…
The ingredient that promotes skin repair on any anti-aging product is Alpha-Hydroxy Acids or AHA. Prache Cream An alternative to AHA and also does the same job for skin is BHA or Beta-Hydroxy Salicylic Acid.
Alex a dit…
Gentiv Ultra This is the first ever exercises known by men to increase their penis size. In this routine, one should attach a string to the penis. At the end of the string, weight is attached that will stretch the penis downwards. Although it's a bit similar to stretching, hanging is dangerous and the risk of damaging the nerves in your tool is definitely high.
Alex a dit…
Healthy ways to lose weight is about avoiding damaging weight loss procedures and focusing instead on consuming nutritious diet and incorporating an exercise routine. ketozol This can lead to changes in your lifestyle that become part of your routine for maintaining a healthy weight over the long term.
Alex a dit…
However, hypnosis cannot magically reprogram people's minds. In fact, research has shown that hypnosis can be a potentially dangerous for people who are not trained mentally to handle the process. Mega Keto Diet Dateline NBC has released a report of a fraudulent hypnotist who was supposedly hypnotizing large groups of people without asking them how they felt after bringing them out of the hypnotic state. Hence, one should approach hypnosis with caution and extreme skepticism.

Alex a dit…
The great thing about the weight loss benefit of green tea extracts is that it does not have any adverse side-effects. KetoVit Forskolin Unlike other herbal products like ephedra and prescription drugs for obesity, green tea extract does not increase the speed of heart rates or raise blood pressure.
Alex a dit…
Untrue. Platinum Fit Keto Just after surgery, your capacity to eat is very small. An ounce or two will fill you up. However, over time your capacity to eat more normal sized meals will increase so that what you are able to eat approximates what a normal weighted person would eat.
Alex a dit…
If we taking extra carbohydrates there may be risk for health because carbohydrates make their shapes in fats so we need to take carbohydrates in low quantity in our diet, Swift Trim Keto whenever buy products must see the quantity of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fats etc and we need to eat small fat foods but rich in proteins such as chicken, grains, nuts, fish, vegetables.
Alex a dit…
When using a ketogenic diet, you are trying to find a balance point. While calories matter, the composition of those calories also counts. Keto Slim RX In a ketogenic diet, the most important factor of the composition of those calories is the balance of fat, protein and carbohydrates and how each affects insulin levels.
Alex a dit…
The top reason why most men are using and are willing to use any enhancement product is erectile dysfunction. Orviax With more than 30 million affected by it in the U.S. alone, enhancers are the best option on hand. Men prefer these alternative medications over prescription medication options due to various reasons.
Alex a dit…
And, as a bonus, Amayze Life Keto since my Fun Factor Diet is based on fun, you will laugh more frequently. Laughter is an excellent form of aerobic exercise; a hearty, belly laugh produces the same physical response as thirty minutes on the Stairmaster. When you laugh it gives your heart and lungs a good work out are burning additional calories just by practicing my unique diet!
Alex a dit…
But, is everyone a candidate for weight-loss surgery? The answer is No. Not everyone who is overweight is an acceptable candidate for weight-loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery or obesity surgery. Himbeer Ketone Surgical procedures for weight reduction are intended for people who are severely obese. The surgical interventions to lose unwanted bulges work by reducing intake of food and absorption of calories.
Alex a dit…
L-arginine is an amino acid that has many purposes within the body. It improves healthy blood circulation, lowers blood pressure, improves heart health, and can facilitate fat loss. Researchers have found that L-arginine has the ability to boost fat loss by acquiring energy from a healthy diet and using that energy to promote muscle growth rather than fat. IN 2008 and 2009, Ultra Fast Keto Boost studies were conducted to research whether L-arginine does in fact promote muscle gain over fat gain. Researchers concluded that "dietary arginine supplementation shifts nutrient partitioning to promote muscle over fat gain and may provide a useful treatment for improving the metabolic profile and reducing body fat..."
Alex a dit…
There are so many gimmicks tricks and scams amongst penis enlargement techniques that it's hard to find one that will really work. Orviax Male Enhancement Lucky for you I have done all the hard work and spent a fortune on terrible products that didn't garner any results. I am writing this article because after what seems like years of searching I have finally found something that works and I want to share the secret of how it can make your penis HUGE...
Alex a dit…
A lot of people seem to look down on the use of weight loss pills, but I believe that is mainly due to ignorance of the facts. Genesis Keto I think people seem to band all these weight reduction products together in the same category, but when it comes down to it, all diet pills are not the same, they are most definitely not all made equal.
Annie Jhons a dit…
Diet is perhaps one of the most important beauty tips for women towards having and maintaining a healthy look. FairyMines
Alex a dit…
With such huge numbers of various choices to browse, Nuvo Ketosis Diet it tends to be hard to tell which to utilize. This article will give you some understanding into perhaps the best supplement for getting thinner available at this moment.
Alex a dit…
Many people assume that weight loss is all about cardio, especially women, who are terrified to "bulk up" when they lift weights. Keto Pharm It's actually quite difficult to build large amounts of muscle, but you do need some! Muscle burns fat and boosts the metabolism. So, if you want to lose weight, you need to mix weight training with cardio for the best results.
Alex a dit…
On the other hand, osteoarthritis involves deterioration of the cartilage surrounding the joint. Osteoarthritis is fairly common among people in their mid forties and above. Pharma Flex RX
Alex a dit…
Try visiting the local hospital to see if their on-staff registered dietitian conducts any type of weight loss program that you might be able to become a part of. Check the local colleges too; slim x genie keto they might be another great source.
Alex a dit…
This is because these people think that by taking in controlled amounts of food or diverting away from eating foods from a particular food group, they Keto Max Shred
Alex a dit…
Well there you have it; 6 simple and rapid weight loss ideas to help you change your shape. If you are interesting in getting more from you weight loss routines I suggest you visit Extreme Weight Loss which features a whole host of rapid weight loss ideas, Revolyn Keto Burn fitness programs and nutrition advice all absolutely free!
Alex a dit…
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Alex a dit…

For cases like weight loss supplements causing allergies, Keto Plus Pro or weight loss supplements not being potent enough, a weight loss doctor may have to give you prescription weight loss supplements. Usually used for health-related cases like situations of life-threatening obesity, prescription weight loss supplements are in general of stronger potencies than their over-the-counter counterparts.
Alex a dit…
Citrus Aurantium (Bitter Orange) - Keto Plus Pro This is a herbal extract and is considered as a substitute for ephedra. However, there is no concrete study supporting its claim as a weight loss supplement.
Alex a dit…
The problem is even something so clear and helpful like weight loss by hypnosis gets overlooked in the barrage of weight loss information and books available. With all the books that no one ever sees we could maybe heat up the homes in Boston for the next winter. It's sad at how many books are written, Super Fast Keto Boost and I'm sure some of them are incredible and I would absolutely add them to my study, but we'll never know. Like the one about weight loss by hypnosis
Alex a dit…
One big strike against weight loss clinics, Keto Regime however, is that often they will come with prepared meals. While this may seem like a good thing - you just eat the meals and you'll lose weight - it isn't. The problem lies in the fact that what are you going to do after you reach your desired weight loss?
Alex a dit…
When these people were treated with changing their nutrition, such as with nutrition weight loss, up to 70% became completely sober. Trubodx Keto This is in comparison to a 25% rate of success with most other alcohol programs.
Alex a dit…
The main idea to initiating the relaxation response in this way is to take control of the voluntary muscles through creation of tension in them, Upright Go Posture Training followed by forcing them into a state of relaxation. When the body is aware of the presence of the tension, it will respond by triggering the muscles to relax, where the rest of the other components of the relaxation response will naturally follow.
Alex a dit…
Add extra sit-ups and push-ups before you go to sleep and when you wake up. Done in the AM on an empty stomach, Bionatrol Keto Burn this can kick-start your metabolism by teaching your body to more efficiently mobilize its fat stores for energy.
Alex a dit…
The only things you need to avoid are junk foods if you want to lose weight and you can eat anything you want as long as it is in moderation. Ultra Fast Keto Boost
Alex a dit…
Whatever it is for you, it must be strong enough to "take captive", to borrow Apostle Paul's language, "every imagination, Keto Extreme every thought contrary" to your weight loss goal and bring them under subject to that goal.
Alex a dit…
A pound of fat equals roughly 3500 calories. Bionatrol Keto Therefore, if your goal is to lose one pound per week, you must have a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day.
Alex a dit…
Any weight loss program that claims dramatic weight loss in a short period of time isn't good for your body and the short-term and long-term effects are hazardous for your health. Those are what you call DIEts! Plus, typically on fast result DIEts the weight loss is mostly muscle and water. Ultra Fast Pure Keto
Alex a dit…
8 glasses of water as recommended by most is actually not enough. Water is much more important to your body than you can imagine. Eminence Vitality Keto They help to spread nutrients all over your body, help to cleanse the toxins from your body and of course and serves as a lubricant to your digestive system.
brandox a dit…

Researchers are also investigating whetherBandox Extreme using traction devices before or after penile surgery could improve outcomes.The evidence concerning traction devices is, however, limited. Determining their safety and effectiveness will require more research, and the Urology Care Foundation currently does not support their use.Penis enlargement surgery can cause several side effects, including swelling and infection. These can be so severe that the penis requires removal.
balanced max a dit…
When the body produces ketones, it entersBalanced Max Keto a metabolic state called ketosis. Fasting is the easiest way to achieve ketosis. When you are fasting or eating very few carbs and only moderate amounts of protein, your body turns to burning stored fat for fuel. That is why people tend to lose more weight on the keto diet.
Iron Slim Keto a dit…
Another con would be that it is very easy to overeat on the keto diet. Iron Slim Keto
Since you are ingesting hardly any carbs at all and your body is burning fat at an alarming rate, you have to increase your fat intake. Unfortunately, if you are not aware, fat is the most calorically dense macronutrient, containing roughly 9 cal/gram, whereas carbs contain 4 cal/gram.
BionatrolKeto a dit…

Bionatrol Keto Burn increased metabolic rate brought on by 7-Keto-DHEA allows dieters to continue to enjoy benefits long after starting their diets. Bionatrol Keto Burn Instead of suffering from sluggish metabolism brought on by a low-calorie diet, users experience steady metabolic elevation and avoid hitting a plateau in their weight loss.

Insta Keto a dit…
if you strictly follow a shark tank diet, most Americans are lacking in at least a few nutrients because Insta Keto
don't eat the way our ancestors did (you know... the whole animal) and our soil is depleted of the nutrients it once had so the plants and animals we consume are less shark tank
JamesMcKelvy a dit…
You should get plenty of whole grains in your diet, so make sure that your carbohydrate sources are whole grain as often as possible. Keto Guru l under control. This means that you should be eating a variety of nuts, eggs, and fish and including olive oil in your diet. In fact, I would recommend at least one meal a day which contains some kind of fish. Not only is it a good source of protein
JamesMcKelvy a dit…
Most men have a certain attitude of putting aside emotions and concentrating more on their thinking. KSZ Male Enhancement Although sometimes, they think too much, and many times this thinking process results to feelings of doubts or worries about their manhood, especially when they come to a point in their life.
JamesMcKelvy a dit…
Male enhancement formulas frequently make claims to increase stamina, improve erection strength, libido and enhance overall feelings of well being. Often specific sexual benefits of products in this category are not clear on the label or advertising. KSZ Male Enhancement These products are found online as well as offline in locations such as convenience store checkout lines or at gas stations. The ingredients are generally of a tonic nature meaning that lots of herbs and supplements with different functions are mixed together.
JamesMcKelvy a dit…
Nutritionists agree most people are severely deficient in these essential nutrients. genbrain These Omega 3 oils have to be found in your diet and most people eat very little of the whole foods that contain them. Unless you eat mostly fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts you're probably not getting enough.
JamesMcKelvy a dit…
Weight Loss Truth: Sir Isaac Newton once said " What goes up must come down." There are natural principles that govern our lives. Insta Keto If you throw a ball up in the air, it is going to come back down. You can sit on your couch and imagine and visualize that the ball will staying afloat in the air, but natural principles teach us that it will come down. Same goes when it comes to our weight.
JamesMcKelvy a dit…
There are hundreds of anti-aging creams on the market today, and finding the right cream for you may be a daunting task. Emylia Cream Reviews To make things a little easier, we have provided you with three popular anti aging creams available: Rejuvenate Anti-Aging Cream, Neutrogena Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream, SPF 15, and Olay Regenerist Deep Hydration Regenerating Cream.
JamesMcKelvy a dit…
Real Christmas trees can often be bought from retail chain stores but the best place to get a real and fresh tree is likely to be from a Christmas tree farm. Best Fiber Optic Christmas Trees Buying a tree from a farm is the best option because a farm will be more likely to offer more species of trees and therefore a wider variety of shapes and sizes. Another reason is that after you've made your selection you will observe the tree being cut and can take steps to preserve its freshness.
USA Fitness Plan a dit…
Read on and find out what most of these reasons are and how they effect you, so you'll have a greater chance of a favorable outcome with your weight-loss ambitions.
Slim Fit 180 Keto

JamesMcKelvy a dit…
Weight Loss Truth: Sir Isaac Newton once said " What goes up must come down." There are natural principles that govern our lives.Insta keto reviews If you throw a ball up in the air, it is going to come back down. You can sit on your couch and imagine and visualize that the ball will staying afloat in the air, but natural principles teach us that it will come down. Same goes when it comes to our weight.
JamesMcKelvy a dit…
Weight Loss Fact: Skipping meals may actually cause you to gain weight! You will become too hungry and will eventually have to eat. Nature Active Keto This will knock your metabolism off track and will eventually slow it down. Think of a car running low on gas (food), if you do not fill it up, it will eventually stop working. Same goes for our body, we need to keep it fueled constantly.
JamesMcKelvy a dit…
Penis enlargement supplements are the next most recognizable male enhancement product after Viagra and Cialis. centallus rx male enhancement These products claim to work by increasing the blood flow to the penis and expanding the Corpus Cavernosa tissue of the penis.
Additional claimed benefits include harder erections, increased stamina and increased desire
JamesMcKelvy a dit…
Weight loss essentials: eat a larger number of calories than you utilize and you'll put on weight. Tier 2 Keto Reviews utilize more than you eat and you'll lose it. Weight loss is presently an objective which can be come to truly effectively in the event that we adhere to a preparation administration, abstain from food arrange. Be that as it may, for a few, surgery might be the main trust.
JamesMcKelvy a dit…
Most people choose a fresh Christmas tree for its fragrance, which can be fairly strong or just subtle, giving off just enough of a whiff of scent. modern Christmas tree Douglas fir, which is one of the most popular trees used in homes and public places, is a very fragrant tree. The Balsam fir is also fairly fragrant. If you like the ambiance of a fresh Christmas tree but consider the scent of pine indoors a bit overpowering, the Eastern White Pine may be your best selection since this tree doesn't have much fragrance.

JamesMcKelvy a dit…
Weight Loss Truth: Sir Isaac Newton once said " What goes up must come down." Keto burning reviews There are natural principles that govern our lives. If you throw a ball up in the air, it is going to come back down. You can sit on your couch and imagine and visualize that the ball will staying afloat in the air, but natural principles teach us that it will come down. Same goes when it comes to our weight.
JamesMcKelvy a dit…
Weight loss essentials: eat a larger number of calories than you utilize and you'll put on weight; utilize more than you eat and you'll lose it. Instant Keto Weight loss is presently an objective which can be come to truly effectively in the event that we adhere to a preparation administration, abstain from food arrange. Be that as it may, for a few, surgery might be the main trust.
JamesMcKelvy a dit…
A very much adjusted diminished calorie abstain from food containing moderate fat is suggested. Velocity Trim Keto The consideration of various types of organic products into weight loss eating methodologies is a sound method for managing starvation, and additionally giving the body those supplements and vitamins it needs to work legitimately.Exercise While You Diet: Weight loss is about lessening your caloric admission while you increment the calories you smolder. Above all else choose how much weight you need to lose, and set yourself a sensible target, preferably with the assistance of your dietitian or specialist.
JamesMcKelvy a dit…
Your weight loss goals will determine the effectiveness of several detox weight loss supplements. Keto Pro Avis Oftentimes, the main reason why people use a detox or colon-cleanse is to lose weight and improve the digestive system's functions. If losing weight is your main goal, you should choose the detox pill you are going to take very carefully. Most of these detox weight loss supplements claim to help you lose weight, but usually they are referring to water weight which oftentimes comes back quickly.
JamesMcKelvy a dit…
Weight reduction is valuable for certain conditions. It is of veritable preferred position in diabetes, hypertension, brevity of breath, joint issues and raised cholesterol. activate keto Weight reduction is possible with exercise and sound meals alone, yet including extraordinary quality protein and building slant mass will assist you with losing even more quickly, helping you to keep the weight off and remain strong. Weight reduction is basically guaranteed in case one sticks to the controls of the eating routine.
johni micheal a dit…

The article is also not intended for those with medical issues who may be on a specific diet to treat or manage a specific medical condition.DX Keto The article is intended for the average person who wants to get off the Yo-Yo diet merry-go-round once and for all. As that's probably 99% of the population, it will cover millions of people.
johni micheal a dit…
This root vegetable has been known because of its aphrodisiac qualities, which makes it one of the most popular Black Label X male enhancement ingredients used in sexual health products. There were studies done to prove its sexual effects and findings indicate that Maca root has the ability to increase libido and to improve other aspects of men's sexual health. Other benefits include an increase in sperm count and quality and a greater volume of semen or ejaculate.
johni micheal a dit…
Your ultimate goal Anatomy Keto should always be to lose fat and reducing excess body fat is what you should be concerned about. Weight loss and Fat loss is NOT the same thing! Many people confuse the two terms, often believing that they mean the same, when in fact weight loss and fat loss are very different from one another. This article will help you understand how weight loss is different than fat loss and how fat loss is far superior to weight loss in almost all ways.
Blog a dit…
How do SurgenX Keto works?
This SurgenXKeto weight-reduction plan system works on selling the ketosis procedure to your frame so as to break down the particles of fat into smaller pieces.
That is a natural weight-reduction plan formula which goes on burning away the greater energy out of your frame with a view to maintain your BMI. It really works on suppressing your everyday appetite through curbing your starvation with the intention to limit further fats accumulation.
Blog a dit…

Side consequences of SurgenXKeto
SurgenX Keto producer suggested that they've did their fine to make this supplement secure and don’t has any ill consequences they're proper right here.. All purchasers have given the complement advantageous comments and reward its natural constituents. Furthermore, it's far created with all the raw herbs and extracts, so it's far clear that herbal product not often shows any side effects.!MGFhZDBj:surgenx-keto-reviews-%7Bshark-tank%7D-scam-or-a-legit-deal%3F
Blog a dit…
1Blog-Gratuit increases your electricity tiers naturally so that you don’t feel low each time whilst on the keto weight-reduction plan.
• 1Blog-Gratuit consists of herbal substances, so the BHB ketones which are present are just like those located internal your body.
• it's miles commonly a Jumpstart on your ketosis system, so it does not damage your muscles and facial functions, it just targets the fats and helps to trim them up.
Blog a dit…
Statistics on 1Blog-Gratuit
1Blog-Gratuit The product that we are going to talk about these days is known as 1Blog-Gratuit. This product is a fat burning supplement that will let you take away all of the fats stored in your body.
The product burns down all of the fats for your body and will make your body narrow in just a few weeks. The product has the subsequent work to do to your frame: –
1) This fats burning supplement decreases your calorie consumption and curbs your starvation.
2) This fat burning supplement decreases your fats storage to your body, making your frame narrow.
Three) The fat burning supplement prevents your frame from gaining any new fat.
Four) The fats burning supplement ensures you burn fats quicker and for this reason can get quicker results.
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How it have become well-known among anybody?
Ketogeniks Keto This works for each man and woman. Ketogeniks Keto works on the inner and outside body because it will without delay attain your liver and stomach areas to burn down all of the fats from those regions.
Operating of Ketogeniks Keto is specific because the urge for food can be suppressed, and your potential to eat gets automatically decrease first-rate of the low hunger level. It's going to no longer permit you to feel hungry for the snacks and drinks. It works as a remedy to all the obese humans because it treats your sugar degrees and diabetes problems.
Getting Ketogeniks Keto have to be for your list to make your body healthy nicely. The working of Ketogeniks Keto has not been correctly described as it is not to be had on the authentic corporation internet site.
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Keto Forcera Garcinia Cambogia – also is referred to as Malabar Tamarind a tropical natural product discovered in Indonesian elements. This organic product is widely recognized for HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid) that has all the earmarks of being an unmistakable approach to rectangular fat series within the frame. Citrate Lipase changes over calories or sugar into fats prepared to shop within the frame. This acidic recipe forestalls this transformation to constrain the fats saved in the body. It basically method classified as a fat restraint professional in the weight loss show off.
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Vyantix RX The hormone tiers of testosterone come down as you age, however some young boys also are going through erection troubles and are not able to preserve any regular courting with a lady. If you are one of those men, then do not hesitate to try this out. When the blood go with the flow within the penis is increased after the usage of this product, you will sense higher erections at the identical time.
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Fit Body Keto The second one type of facet results that you get from Fit Body Keto are because of the substances present in it. To begin with, you may enjoy jitters. These take place due to the fact there is robust stimulation within the frame due to the ingredients present within the supplement. Further, you might additionally enjoy expanded blood strain and heart fee. If the condition gets extreme, stop using the formulation and rush to the sanatorium.
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Keto Blaze Xtreme The absolutely natural substances will now not reason any ache within the body and different undesirable illnesses
you'll get these types of repercussions if you may use it accurately to your regular ordinary
In very less period of time, it's going to begin to lend you blessings with the intention to clearly assist you to gain your goal early. Now don’t waste a while in questioning over, simply ebook your percent and start the method of becoming slender in a natural and smooth way.

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Lively components:
The components of Berkeley Dietary Keto have been picked after a lot of expert assistance and also study.
• BHB Ketones: Berkeley Dietary Keto is a aggregate of various BHB salts. Those include calcium, magnesium and additionally sodium salts. These ketones do no longer just help in faster and plenty better digestion but additionally they have a responsibility to play in starting ketosis. Because of their lifestyles, the frame’s ketone diploma obtains better and therefore reasons a ketosis event.
Blog a dit…
Dietary Nature Keto The product additionally restricts the garage of fat within the body
The product additionally restricts the formation of fats cells in the body
The product complements your persona
The product also improves your self assurance stage
The product not directly increases your running capability
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It'll provide you with results very rapid and soon will get to reap your desired consequences.
Spark Keto eating regimen opinions are constantly high quality. The customers of this item are relatively upbeat and fulfilled from the aftereffects of this object. The customers dependably commend this object and they additionally prescribe it to all and sundry to make use of it mechanically. This object is appraised high by means of the clients. This may likewise be seen with the aid of the superiority this item has some distance and extensive.
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What's Meta Boost Keto All approximately?
Meta Boost Keto is considered a standout amongst different nutritional weight reduction items within the marketplace at the prevailing time. Which effectively supports up your fat misfortune process and paintings 24X7. As all of you understand the keto food regimen isn’t supposed for absolutely everyone. It calls for some investment and focuses on engaging in it. Be that as it can, this enhancement encourages you to alternate over the whole thing of your saved extra pounds into power.
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Ultra Slim Keto The totally aspect you would like to try to do is to consist of this outstanding supplement into your ordinary lifestyles and notice the high quality changes.
It has the combination of proper elements and herbs which supply the products at the velocity of knots.
With ketogenic technique, your body burns the saved frame fats and could boom the quantity of strength to your frame. In the long run, you end up slim with huge body electricity and staying power.

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Active components:
Alpha Thunder Testo Its is a combination of powerful all-herbal and herbal additives so as to can help you experience your Alpha Thunder Testo even at the age of fifty. Effective substances of this item are as adheres to:
Nettle essence: This energetic component can boom your testosterone stage so that your body ought to overhaul and additionally revitalize your trendy fitness another time.
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Gravity Theory Cream it's miles pretty hard to hold the right remedy of your skin and body. For that reason, this anti-getting older lotion is ultimately there to offer you an incredible complexion of radiant skin. So, virtually, use this anti-ageing cream to get more youthful, more visible pores and skin for lifestyles.

Each woman desires to have a more younger-looking face pores and skin despite the senility. But, there are manner too many items presented on-line to position you in a predicament which offers little to no advantages when used. That’s why a woman involves be skeptical concerning the stableness of any anti-getting older lotion.
ROMI a dit…
Foods rich in Proteins: Protein wielding foods can be found in most diets. One of these is the low calorie content found that is found in protein. It is therefore possible to eat a lot more of these type of meals without providing the body with more than it needs. Foods that are rich in protein are also harder to digest than other nutritional compounds. The body is therefore forced to use up more calories in burning these foods. Low fat dairy products, soya beans and lentils are rich sources of this type of food.BioNatrol Keto Burn
ROMI a dit…
Nuts are also great sources of unsaturated fat. Unsaturated fat are healthier nutritional options which the body requires for proper growth and development.BioNatrol Keto Burn
ROMI a dit…
you do?
Well, the purpose of this article is to discuss various aspects and concepts surrounding weight loss programs in hopes that it will help you be able to select the appropriate program for you. First things first!
1. Identify what you REALLY want
What do you really want from your physical body? My online fitness coaching clients hear this from me all the time. At first it may seem like a pretty silly question, but it's not. I've learned
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David a dit…
Celaxryn RXMost of the food businesses and restaurant entrepreneurs are depended on GrubHub's API, which sums all the restaurant data like open hours, menu, address, etc. and save them to the cloud. With this, clients can easily recover their required information and comfortably place an order without any restriction.
David a dit…
Al Roker Weight LossSillymarin is the active ingredient in milk thistle, found in the seeds of the herb that contain a bioflavanoid complex.
So remember 'good food is good health' and that we are what we eat.
David a dit…
Bluoxynreasons many men have looked for the best male enhancer on the market and have tried various methods to enlarge their penises. There are a many options available ranging from surgery to natural male enhancers which in the long run would clearly enhance and drastically improve your sex life.

Michel Jackson a dit…
Free Cell Ketoways to stoke your body's furnace again to keep the fat coming off.
1. Re-Calculate Your Daily Caloric Target
Your metabolism slows down as you lose weight because your body doesn't need to exert as much energy to maintain its now-slimmer physique.

Michel Jackson a dit…
KGX Keto
Be honest about the type of program your lifestyle will allow you to partake in. Fitness is an
David a dit…
Electro Ketowater twice a a day. You will lose plenty of weight. Will it be healthy? Nope. Will the weight stay off once you are done with this diet and are then forced to go back to your "normal" way of eating? Not a chance. Will the weight you lose come from fat or will it be muscle, water,
Michel Jackson a dit…
True Keto Boostmonotony. As the class progresses, the exercises become more and more difficult. There is just no letting go till the camp is complete.
Michel Jackson a dit…
ViaxinAre there other ways to improve my sexual health?Yes, there is many other ways to improve your sexual health. Among other possible ways to
Michel Jackson a dit…
Meta Keto BoostIt is only when the body's glycogen stores become significantly depleted that the body begins to burn fat for energy. However, each gram of fat has about twice the calorie content
Michel Jackson a dit…
InstaHardproducts than those that are made from synthetic drugs. In fact, more and more people seem to want products that are all-natural or that are organic as opposed to those that are made
Maxwell a dit…
ViaxinMale enhancement treatments help men conquer their insecurities with having small penis. The internet can provide you a wide selection of male enhancement products for a better
Maxwell a dit…
True Keto BoostIf you do decide to reduce your caloric intake, use a balanced diet that doesn't cut out any important food groups, and look for weight loss of no more than one to two pounds per
David a dit…
Meta Keto BoostGetting active is an import key to weight loss. We need to get moving if we want to lose
Maxwell a dit…
Nutriverse KetoAnd how long will your personal training sessions be? 30 minute and 60 minute sessions are
Maxwell a dit…
Viacen Male Enhancement extension on your manhood.
On natural male enhancement

Maxwell a dit…
Trainee Ketowill flow freely, internally or externally, when wounded. It is normally produced in the intestine and it also helps reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin A, on the other
Maxwell a dit…
Vital Alpha Testokey features of the male enhancement drug or technique. These websites also offer information about medicine with natural and herbal ingredients which are better than those sold with artificial ingredients
Maxwell a dit…
Granite Male Enhancementejaculation, the reality is that a solution is decades away from FDA approval.

David a dit…
Empowered BoostTherefore, you should also include a search option in your application, allowing your customers to search different
Ben Dunk a dit…
Trainee Ketoprogram touching on the many psychological aspects of weight loss. This program was developed by
Ben Dunk a dit…
Eclipse Ketomuscle. Though they are FDA approved, it is not a guarantee that they will work on everyone or would even work at all.

David a dit…
Thin Zone Ketoproducts will work well for you or create such adverse conditions that you are better off without.

David a dit…
Ultragenik KetoNutrients are needed to maintain health and repair our physical body. Nutrients are usually divided into
Maxwell a dit…
Thunder Testosteroneenhancement items work in a different way. If you opt for penile enhancement, first go on gathering
Nelson Mendela a dit…
Thunder TestosteroneMany male enhancement pills include ingredients that are a carefully selected combination
Michel Jackson a dit…
Absolute Ketofaster than ever. This can be attested to the fast growing and quick changing world we now live
Michel Jackson a dit…
ThinZoneKeto felt became relaxed. From that time on, your subconscious mind associated food in your mouth with pleasure and relaxation. Now, as an adult, every time you feel nervous, stressed, or upset, you have a
David a dit…
Ultra X PrimeThese days, thanks to the wonders of technology and the power of research, penile enlargement isn't as difficult or
Nelson Mendela a dit…
Ultra X PrimeOne of the cold hard male enhancement facts is that penis enlargement surgical treatment has many risks. Usuall
Nelson Mendela a dit…
Ultra Fit KetoYour support groups can include family, friends, coworkers or even your neighbors. Your group could be as large or
Maxwell a dit…
Hemp Max Lab Oilconstipated by lack of fiber in their diet or because of certain medications. It has also been
J Thomson Ali a dit…
Primal Grow Probefore trying it. All natural male enhancement treatments are still the best option you can have if you want to enhance your sexual performance in the safest way possibl

J Thomson Ali a dit…
Ultra X Primeexpensive as well as inconvenient in some point because you have to wear these devices for about two to six hours everyday. This can be difficult for most men especially those who have active lifestyle.

J Thomson Ali a dit…
<a href=">Raging Leo</a>want to go for male enhancement to get better erections. Male enhancement products help men to get better
Michel Jackson a dit…
Slim Patch1. Keep a record. Keep a document of your food intakes and the things that hinders you to your weight loss. This
Michel Jackson a dit…
Cylophin RXmaterial suppliers to determine the ideal dosage and combination for an optimal female and male sexual
Nelson Mendela a dit…
Luxe Bella Creamexercises, healthy foods, and balanced lifestyle all together. The absence of any of these factors may
David a dit…
Number One Keto1. are already supersized. If you have observed the meals in all these fast food chains, hamburgers, fries, sodas,
Michel Jackson a dit…
Number One Keto1. food, it takes 20 minutes to signal your brain of the feelings of fullness. Thus, if you eat fast, there is a big
Michel Jackson a dit…
Essential One Slim KetoTrainer with credentials, experience and references) can make all the difference in whether or not you will be successful with weight loss.

Nelson Mendela a dit…
Pro Keto RxOne of the quickest changes you can make to your diet when trying to lose weight is to ditch all the junk food you may be used to eating (chips, sodas, pizzas, donuts, cookies, etc) and start eating more vegetables.
David a dit…
Number One Ketobecome infected. With proper documentation, many insurance companies recognize this problem and provide full
Michel Jackson a dit…
Keto Shred Biotic Immunity Boosterstudy, children had more acute lower respiratory infections when taking zinc for 14 days.
Ben Dunk a dit…
Keto Shred Biotic Immunity Boosterprotected children from influenza, especially in those already taking less of the vitamin. This would suggest that a
Nelson Mendela a dit…
PuriGlow Creamstudy, children had more acute lower respiratory infections when taking zinc for 14 days.
Maxwell a dit…
Fresh Prime Ketoexercise, and to daily write out those goals. You can even track how you are feeling throughout the day. This will help
Michel Jackson a dit…
Xtreme Keto Boost1. progresses. Do not be too harsh on yourself if you cannot shed off pounds that easily. The key here is
Nelson Mendela a dit…
Electro KetoSeveral people do not track or think about the amount of calories in their beverages. A regular flavored cola has more
David a dit…
Instahardwill give you an idea of what brand of pills and the ingredients contained therein will work to improve male virility,
Michel Jackson a dit…
Cylophin RXespecially when they are made from natural herbal ingredients and promote natural stimulation of the penis and natural increase in libido.

David a dit…
Fresh Prime KetoA lot of people want to lose weight in the quickest way possible and are often fascinated when they use a weight loss
Maxwell a dit…
Rapid Keto Primeimpossible for the extra skin to shrink back to its former shape. Those undergoing gastric bypass surgery or bariatric
Maxwell a dit…
Empowered x Energyadvancement, there will always be improved and new male enhancement treatments to benefit everyone. Among
Nelson Mendela a dit…
Formax Lean Male Enhancementextract or Korean-ginseng root. This natural herb among many others is proven great male enhancement treatments.
Michel Jackson a dit…
Reliant KetoIn any case, for some in this circumstance, Weight loss surgery is the main trust. One of the soonest structures was
Michel Jackson a dit…
Vaso Prime RXyears, civilizations around the world have known about locally grown herbs that achieve wonderful results with far
David a dit…
Reliant Ketoweight within the first three years following their procedure. Those that undergo gastric bypass surgery will lose
Michel Jackson a dit…
Nature Clarity Ketoresearch to everyday problems such as weight loss, bodybuilding, and other health/fitness related topics. However,
Michel Jackson a dit…
Befit Keto Cutable and want to remove the excess skin, post-bariatric surgery is for you. It is important to remember that these
Nelson Mendela a dit…
Viadine Male Enhancementsizes as well as improve their confidence. Male enlargement patches is one of the ways to make your sex organ
Michel Jackson a dit…
Befit Keto CutGenerally speaking, the higher a patient's pre-surgery weight or BMI, the more excess weight the patient can lose
David a dit…
Bio Jolt Male EnhancementMost of the herbs have temporary effects on the penis size as well as the improvement in erection.

Nelson Mendela a dit…
Bio Jolt Male Enhancementsexual organs as a result of using the male enhancement pills are actually not seeing 'real growth' but just a delusion
Folexin a dit…
Brio? Keď, when these nutrients work with specific requirements in the form of televi, they promote healthy protein production (and as a result, hair).
Vision 20 a dit…
If the images perceived in the eye are not adjusted properly, the person perceives a false double image. Diplopia is a more pronounced phenomenon when the person is tired or has strained the eyes for a long time (reading or working on a computer), and it usually improves with rest.
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La famille Pavlovic ( que bcp en Tunisie conaissent) fete sa slava cette semaine ! plein de monde est invité a une fete unique que seul ce peuple originaire des Balkans celebre. voici ci dessous un pt article qui presente cette coutume Une slava ou célébration du jour de la fête du Saint patron de la famille est une importante fête religieuse pour les Serbes orthodoxes. Les Slavas se déroulent tout au long de l’année mais la plupart ont lieu durant les mois d’hiver. Quelle est l’origine de cette fête ? Cette tradition remonte aux temps où les Serbes étaient païens , époque où chaque famille avait sa divinité protectrice. Comme pour tous les peuples européens, au sein desquels bien des traditions païennes ont été transformées en fêtes chrétiennes pour faciliter leur conversion, les Serbes ont pu conserver la tradition de la slava, finalement acceptée par Byzance , en remplaçant le dieu païen protecteur par un saint patron chrétien . au XIIIème siècle, Rastko Namanjie, canonisé sous

La Tunisie sur le Los Angeles Times

Un article du Los Angeles Times (the third-most widely distributed newspaper and the second-largest metropolitan newspaper in the United States ) qui passera surement inapercu en Tunisie mais qui merite qu'on s'y attarde rien que pour le fait que c'est le deuxieme du meme auteur ( email ) dans l'espace d'un seul mois et les seuls qui parlent de la Tunisie au LA Times durant toute l'annee 2007.