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Voulas offshore cafe

Zied and I agreed that a rainy, late Saturday morning would be best spent brunching somewhere populated by locals. The internet suggested Voula's Offshore Café, so we climbed into our '85 Nissan truck and google mapped our way to the U. District. Stalling at each stop sign and red traffic light, we slowly bumbled along amidst the sleek cars made in this and the previous decade, until we reached our gastronomical destination.

Voula's is a Greek diner that bustles with friendly locals, serving, ordering, and delighting in comfort food and coffee. Nestled under the I-5 Bridge, the location seems less than ideal, but a colorful mural naively depicts the surrounding neighborhood and makes it seem just perfect. Zied and I sat at the bar watching the hashbrowns brown, and the bacon sizzle, while our appetites were simultaneously aroused, and satisfied. We both remarked on this, agreeing that the air was full of food vapors. Zied sipped his coffee, and I, my ice water, and we glanced at the tv screen on the wall showing a horse race. "Pick a horse," Zied said. I chose number four who, not surprisingly to me, gained on the three horses ahead of him, overtook them, and won.

Our waitress was smiley and attentive. She answered my questions about each dish, described Greek sausage ("spicy and made with beef"), and not long after she took our order we watched our "Greek Hobo" being prepared, the same way it has been prepared countless times before, I'm sure. The "Greek Hobo," is a combination of Greek sausage, mushrooms, onions, and hashbrowns, scrambled together with eggs and topped with feta cheese( not crumbled, but grated so it melts), and it is so delicious that I am salivating as I write this. No, I am not still hungry, just having a moment here. That is my Voulas story. Zied and I shared one meal which was plenty for two, and instead of going to the museum, which was part of the plan, we headed home a bit sleepy but feeling quite happy. If you spend a rainy Saturday in Seattle, go to Voula's... you're welcome to sit with Zied and me.



Anonyme a dit…
Bravo Kesang! I read and understand all you mrite.It is so quiete and so nice.It seems to me i 've seen you there!
Sarah a dit…
Yes ! I love it Kesang !
Anonyme a dit…

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