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Seattle : Earth day

Aujourd'hui c'est la journée de la terre aux Etats Unis. Les bus etaient gratuits et plusieurs amis et habitants de Seattle ont fait du volontariat pour nettoyer les rivages et les nombreux jardins et forets de la region.
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Slaim a dit…
What about those gas-guzzling SUVs? Did they keep them in the garage at least for one day?

America consumes 25% of the world oil ya weldi! wchidd rou7ek mli7 laha nomrou: 40% of the world gasoline!!
I've been to the stronghold of Green people here: the National Renewable Energy Lab in Golden (ba7dha Boulder, COlorado), I was shocked while seeing the parking lot: Ford Exepedition, GMC, Hummers!!!!

Sos next time those Yankees lift a banner and shout: Let's green now, all I can say is: yeah! whatver!...
Slaim a dit…
let's get green...
samsoum a dit…
Slaim, your comment remind me of phisicians who smoke :-)) but I'am sure that the owners of those SUVs have just administrative jobs in that lab ;-)
Azizi Slaim ! You should also speak about the other side of the medal! Those who come biking, those who devote their energy and time to improve the situation and rise awareness... Do not generalize buddy !
Slaim a dit…
Yeah! Whatever Zizou :-)
Until Ralf Nader gets more than 5% of the polls, we can just bike and hope...
Anonyme a dit…
Bien malin sera qui attirera Bayrou sans trop le montrer!

Et si les Français saisissaient enfin “LA chance Ségo”?

Bravo à Bayrou qui fait 3 fois son volume en près de 5 ans!
Son “nouveau parti Démocratie-sociale” prendra vite le jour et briguera largement les législatives et peut-être un confortable marocain chez…Ségolène!

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