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meet up IV

Ca y'est Marouen is back et il a réussi dans l'urgence a nous organiser le meet up du mois de juillet.
Bravo marouen ! donc ca sera demain le vendredi 29 à 19h au Biwa café au berges du lac . j'y serai compte sur moi !
pour ceux qui n'ont pas été là au premier meet up au Biwa je vous invite a lire un post que j'ai fait suite au premier meet up : Biwa


Anonyme a dit…
Thank you Zizou :)
And big thanks go to you for starting off the process to organize this meetup :)

It's great that you'll be making it. A meetup isn't a meetup without you :)
Sorry if it'll ruin your other plans though.
marwen you are always welcome and nothing is more important for me than our blogger community !
can't wait to see you all tomorrow ...
Anonyme a dit…
hello mister ,
ill be there tonight at 19h00 to meet the tunisian bloggers
khalil aka the deal
ps: the plaza was cool yesterday :)
EviL DraKo a dit…
Bien joué Zizou, on comptais sur toi
Anonyme a dit…
ca été décidé par qui ? en tout cas faites ce qui vous plait ... je m'en tapes
Anonyme a dit…
It was decided by the bloggers themselves.

Zizou posted about this and collected some people's feedback and suggestions.
I posted about it too and got some suggestions and ideas.

So, I made a suggestion for next week, and Infinity suggested this week.

I put up the choices, and from the comments, the bloggers chose this week even though it was on short notice.

So it wasn't one person's decision, it was the decision of the majority.
I would've liked it better if the meetup was next week, but well it's not up to me to decide alone.

Anyway, to avoid any more of these date-setting problems, I'm suggesting we set a regular pre-defined date for the meetups, something like the 4th Sunday of every month at 7PM. That way everyone knows when the next meetup is exactly in advance.
What do you guys think?
I totally agree with marwen ! although this date was not very suitable to me i decided to make it for the meet up as it's very important for me to expand and to empower the community and as the meet up has a key role to do so i cannot refuse to participate !

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